Thursday, 20 October 2011

NaBloPoMo Day 20 - Top Tens

It's one of those things that we all do - say that such and such is in our top ten favourite whatevers - but I for one have never actually articulated any top ten list at all. We were talking about it at work this morning, so I thought (as I need to throw together a super-fast blog tonight because I have bee otherwise engaged) that I would have a bash at articulating my top ten favourite movies.

These are in no particular order, mainly because I could't possibly put them in any actual order. They are the films that I can watch over and over until my eyes bleed and still come back looking for more

1 - "NASA, you have a problem..." My first selection is Armageddon. I could be in this film, I've watched it that many times. I love the emotional roller coaster (the script takes you very quickly from high to low and back to high again, which makes it a lot of fun to watch) and I love the characters. It's filled with great action and special effects but it has a heart. Plus it's cheesy as hell (all those American flags in the backgrounds) and has some of the most memorable dialogue ever: "This is one order you shouldn't follow and you f**king know it!".

2 - I love cars and this next movie does a lot of the same things for me as Armageddon. It's Gone in Sixty Seconds (the remake). This is also a film with compelling charaters, plenty of heart and some really memorable dialogue. Plus it has some beautiful cars in it.

3 - "Give me a ping, Vasili. One ping only." Who would not include The Hunt for Red October? It's a riveting film that still keeps me glued to my seat despite having seen it hundreds of times. None of the other Jack Ryan films have ever come close to getting into my Top Ten but this one's been here since forever.

4 - My nod to Jane Austen in my Top Ten is Sense and Sensibility (with Kate Winslet and Emma Thompson). Sense and Sensibility is my favourite Jane Austen story, although I have enjoyed most of the ones I've read. I went to see this at the cinema and I was impressed as much by the acting and the script as by the camera work, which is just pure artistry.

5 - Dirty Dancing. There's isn't a woman alive in the UK (of my sort of age at least) that wouldn't include this in her Top Ten. For girls my age, it's the original love story and it has a brilliant soundtrack. This film still has the ability to make me cry like a little girl at the end when Baby does the lift.

6 - I was going to include a chick-flick here (because there are so many that I love) but eventually had to surrender to the call of Walt Disney. My all time favourite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast. It was the one that really introduced me to Disney movies, because I hadn't been that bothered about them before that. I have some special memories that I associate with this too, so into the Top Ten it goes.

7 - It's time to incude some of the movies I love from my childhood. I was divided between including Home Alone, Tron and WarGames. I have eventually had to go for Home Alone because it's the quintessential Christmas movie for me and it just isn't Christmas without it. (Incidentally, I have never seen any of the sequels to Home Alone. And I never will!)

8 - Star Trek (the new one with Chris Pine and Zach Quinto). What a stunning interpretation of a classic sci-fi series. Despite having new acors, new effects, new writers an people working behind the scneses that hadn't previously been involved with the original series, the movie captured the essence of the series and the characters and it did so with a feather-light touch.

9 - I really wanted to include a past Star Trek movie to balance the inclusion of the contemporary one, but I just don't have the space for it because I have to include American Beauty. I have loved this film from the first time I saw it and I can still watch it now and be as enchanted by it as I was then. I don't think it will ever drop off my Top Ten because it is still as fresh and compelling for me now as it was twelve years ago.

10 - Finally, a truly modern classic, Inception. I don't know how it must feel to create something this good on your first time out. How the hell do you top something like this? Christopher Nolan created something so awesome and unique, he could retire now and still be proud of his accomplishments.

What are you favourite flicks and why? Do they touch you, inspire you, or do that remind you of something or someone special?

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