Thursday, 13 October 2011

NaBloPoMo Day 13 - Is There a Doctor in the House?

I have a few TV series that are true favourites. I love good drama and compelling characters. I like my dialogue clever and fast-paced, so my all time favourite show is The West Wing. My second favourite show is House.

Years ago, when I was writing fan-fiction in college, hubby - who wasn't hubby then - dreamed up a character that was instantly a favourite. He was a dysfunctional doctor with an alcohol problem and a terrible bedside manner but skilled and talented in his work. When House hit our screens it was like seeing that character brought to life in front of my eyes.

As time has passed, the series has achieved some highs and some lows. Last season plodded a bit, but the show has never shied away from tackling difficult and complex subjects including suicide, mental illness, drug abuse, medical ethics and the fine (and sometimes not so fine) line between right and wrong.

It has a great cast, great scripts and great stories. I highly recommend it (start with the early episodes/seasons) and you'll probably be addicted before long.

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