Monday 24 March 2008

Against All Enemies...

...Foreign and domestic.

This book, written by Dick Clarke, an expert in counter terrorism, is a must read for anyone that is seeking an insight into America's War on Terror. Although the entire book is made up of Clarke's personal recollections and, as such, errors have crept in, that does not dilute the essence or importance of Clarke's writing.

Having now read this book it is clear that the George W Bush administration is little more than a boys' club. Bush has surrounded himself with people who believe and think like him. In essence the Bush administration, particularly his key staff, are yes-men. As such, the war in Iraq was a personal vendetta on a global scale. While I am certain that there were many considerations and justifications for America's war in Iraq, it seems clear that one of Bush's main goals was to get Saddam for the attempted assassination of President Bush Sr. For evidence of this, one must only consider the revolving door of experts employed by the Bush Jr White House that have disagreed with the President - all resigned due to the immense frustration caused by the closed attitudes of the Administration.

If nothing else, 'Against All Enemies' is a fascinating cross-examination of the successes and failures of four consecutive Presidents. After reading, you will wonder just how safe you are with Bush as America's Commander in Chief.