Tuesday 24 March 2009

Infinite Superiority

Considering my previous post, I thought I'd add something more positive...

We just watched Slumdog Millionaire this evening. Compare it with Watchmen. Compare the complex plot that steps easily between past and present and is so well constructed that it keeps you actively engaged throughout the film's 120 minutes (rather than making you periodically nod off). Compare the charming narrative that is beautifully written, combining English and Hindi without making a burden of the subtitles. Compare the superb acting founded on the minutia of expression and gesture that is natural and a joy to behold. Combine all that with a great soundtrack, stunning lighting and cinematography and the fact that Kingussie, (where I went to High School) is mentioned rather prominently, and you get a very satisfied Kat.

Plus Danny Boyle is a local lad... just wish I'd been at his local pub when he showed off his oscar!

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