Monday 25 May 2009

Bank Holidays Are Made for Moby

Ever have one of those perfect moments where you think 'yeah, that's what it's all about'?

It's bank holiday Monday, the sun is shining and it's almost uncomfortably warm (for once). There are kids walking down the street with footballs and riding bikes, families heading out for the afternoon and hardly any cars about. I've just finished a long, hard slog on my last Open University assignment for this year (only two weeks late... oops!) and Moby is playing on iTunes. But not just any Moby, the original and best album: Play; the one from which every track has been used either in a movie, a TV series or an advertisement. Yes, this album is just that good. The music from The Beach came from this album and so did that awesome track that plays at the end of the Bourne movies.
So apart from the bloke over the road that is rather noisely jet-washing the patio furniture and their kids' outdoor toys, it was one of those perfect moments. But we'll forgive him for his ceaseless whirring and spraying noises for now because we're in a really good mood.

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